Programmer, design enthusiast, worldbuilder, lover of music and fantasy
— Writing userstyles in CSS since circa 2013:
published— Writing userscripts in JS since circa 2013:
published— Developing webpages since circa 2015: see Projects
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— 3-day Workshop in fullstack web development with React and PHP + Laravel— Technical Course in Information Technology— Studying towards bachelor's in Computer Science since 2018
Old Diary Pages
Pages hosted in Tumblr, used then as a way to share personal information with professionals, and as early playgrounds for webdesign.These are sample pages for display, and contain no such personal information.Deuteronöos Index[discontinued before use]
* Robotic hand art not original.
Ras Silverleaf& the World of Yet Unnamed(2018-present)
A passion project in writing, character development and worldbuilding, started circa 2020 and still in development: an original character and a piece of a fictitious world.Starting as just a roleplaying character with a simple premise, with his personality being developed over time, Ras Silverleaf has slowly grown into a character with a complex personality and inner struggles.The worldbuilding side of this project is a medieval fantasy setting world which is being rendered into being through writing, including a hard magic system which is being developed.WebsiteWebsite (old design)In-development instance
* Card background art not original.
TitrisI know, very mature(July 2021)
My first serious game project, Titris is a Tetris clone developed for a Computer Graphics class in university.All sounds and the music are original.PlayRepository
⌗InnerspaceEmptiness(June 2022)
A first attempt in making a in only HTML/CSS/JS, and a first venture into consistent, randomly-generated map cells.PlayRepository
HuskNo Return(April 2022)
Written in, Husk is a bot with some simple, general functions, and a few specific to a now-discontinued personal project named No Return.Husk is currentlyoffline and disused
IncantationTo banish evil(August 2022)
A second attempt at making a game in only HTML/CSS/JS, Incantation is also my second serious game project, developed for a Graph Theory class in university.It is a five-minute wave survival game where the Tree class of graphs is part of the core mechanic.All sounds and music are original, and part of the code was cannibalized and adapted from Innerspace. Enemy sprite art is credit in the repository.PlayTheme songRepository
Jamusesshon(September 2022)
A server-client system to watch YouTube videos synchronously in a group, developed for hosting Listening Parties.Repository
FathomlessA tiny fishing game(September 2024)
A simple and relaxing text-based fishing game, with themes excluding cosmic horror, psychological terror and existential horror, and an atmosphere completely lacking in tension.Developed as an experiment using my undergraduate thesis project, the RasPG Framework.PlayRepository